Color helps people with Irlen Syndrome. Try it!

The symptoms of Irlen Syndrome can affect many areas

This visual-perceptual disorder often impacts on reading, writing and math. It can affect concentration, particularly when working on the computer or under bright lights. It also can produce a distorted environment and difficulty with depth perception.

The symptoms of Irlen Syndrome can affect many areas

This visual-perceptual disorder often impacts on reading, writing and math. It can affect concentration, particularly when working on the computer or under bright lights. It also can produce a distorted environment and difficulty with depth perception.

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

Light Sensitivity/Glare
Visual Stress/Eye Strain
Depth Perception Issues
Pattern Glare/Color Sensitivity
Sleepy when Reading/General Fatigue
Words/Numbers/Objects move or change
Handwriting/Math looks messy

Iren Syndrome can change how you experience the world

Text Distortions
©2008 Perceptual Devel. Corp

Environmental Distortions
'Not so Different' by Cassandra Kubinski

Is your headache normal?
© 2020 Irlen Syndrome Foundation

A student's life with Irlen Syndrome